Thursday, January 26, 2012

The what-I-did-this-week entry

I have finally watched some of the videos I borrowed from the library two weeks ago. "what are dreams?", and a cd-rom - "test and improve your memory". I spent the past two hours playing 6 of the 12 games involving semantic memory, visual&spatial skills, speed mental calculation, use of logic etc. I am probably the best at visual&spatial skills as expected. I suck at memorizing chunks of words and I take forever to categorize them.

Alicia and I met up after more than a year. We went to my favourite cafe and watched a movie with tony leung as a magician. Thought nothing can go wrong with tony leung, but we were rather disappointed with the ending.

I looked at my calender - There are only 5 days in january where I didn't meet anyone.

Feel better about posting photos of myself and the people I hang out with these days.

Crab party last week. I hung out with a group of people I barely knew and felt ok about it.

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